GG Recipes Le Formiche Videorecipes

Apple Cake

Serves 4 INGREDIENTS just over 1 1/2 cups of flour 1/2 cup of sugar 1/3 cup of butter 2 eggs 2 lbs Golden apples juice and grated rind of 1 lemon 1 cup of milk 1 shot glass of rum Preheat the oven to…


GG Kindle Books

Gabriella Ganugi’s personal and family recipes are available in “The Girl Who Counted Ants” – part cookbook, part memoir of a life journey that led to the opening of Apicius in 1997. The Girl Who Counted Ants is available on Kindle at the following…

© DavidAndreWeiss

Gabriella Ganugi on America24 – Sole 24Ore

Gabriella Ganugi: la flessibilità si mette in valigia Divisa tra Usa e Italia, l’imprenditrice, cuoca, scrittrice e archittetto da 22 anni si dedica all’istruzione internazionale nella sua Florence University of the Arts, dove “si impara facendo” Tutto iniziò da un cartello. Tenuto in mano…

© DavidAndreWeiss

From JBF blog – Ask a Chef

Italian Cooking with Gabriella Ganugi An authority on the rich history of Tuscan cuisine, Gabriella Ganugi is no stranger to sharing her knowledge of Italian fare with Beard House guests. After all, she has been making an annual sojourn to Mr. Beard’s storied New…

© DavidAndreWeiss

Gabriella Ganugi on Taste Matters

On this Italy-themed episode of Taste Matters, Mitchell Davis was joined by chef and educator Gabriella Ganugi, founder of the Palazzi Florence Association for International Education. With academic programs in culinary arts, food science management, interactive digital media, and more, students gain an intimate…

© DavidAndreWeiss

Adriano Olivetti Award for Apicius Innovation

Nov 24, 2015 – FUA was nominated the first place winner of the Premio Adriano Olivetti in the area of research and innovation. FUA participated with a project based on the experiential learning methodology of its hospitality division, Apicius, whose model focuses on educational…